“this calls for something special”
a record was unearthed
from its cardboard sleeve
placed upon a porcelain platter
Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue
because we all felt kind of blue
that our country was actually
kind of red
the color of the balloon
full of hot breath
that we bounced on our heads
full of worry
one of us played piano
another tapped at a typewriter
arpeggios and keystrokes
nervous tics made beautiful
we muted the tv
listened to the purr of the family cat
blissfully unaware
wise in all that she knew
fingers stained by Halloween leftovers
wrapped tightly around a mug of tea
or a glass of wine
grasping for straws
we told the youngest
“it will all be okay in the end,
and if it's not okay
it's not the end”
I almost believed that
as I left & walked down the hill alone
but the stars were not as bright as they were before
and the way out was not so clear